Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Fashion Then & Now

As we have all heard the 70's were the greatest. One thing that was one of the greatest things is the way they dressed. Men wore leather jackets, bell bottoms, fur coats, and even went so far to wear  jumpsuits and long trentch coats. Women wore floral blouses, wide-leg denim, high waisted pants, long dresses, jumpsuits, and even chuncky heeled high heels.

Now days out fashion has totally changed. You see women wearing tighter more revealing clothes. Depending on the weather, women tend to show more skin than back in the 70's. Women wear floral pants, jean jackets, boots, skinny jeans, and much more. The men nowadays dress totally different. They usually wear tighter fitted jeans known ask skinny jeans, short cut boots, vests, v-neck shirts, and also leather. Men tend to layer a lot of outfits now days.

As you can see from the describtions i have given men and women dress differently now than they used to from the 70's.
                                                                                  Back in the 70's:
Now days:                        
disco fashion.


  1. I like their cat shirts, except that it doesnt cover much..

  2. wow good post, this really shows how our fashion really changed from back then.

  3. it really show how fashion tchanged to me boys cloths are now tighter then they were before and skinny jeans were out a long time ago

  4. I like how we dress better. Those boys on the left got it going on. Hahaha
